Kids Lunchbox Ideas

1. Cheese, tomato, cucumber sandwich on gluten free bread by Almond Road Bakery
2. Cold Red Rice and Brown Rice mixed together. Why? Because cold rice is loaded with resistant starches and resistant starches feed good bacteria in your gut. You can read more in our Tummy Buggies book.
3. Black grapes and purple carrots. Why? Because of the polyphenols! Again polyphenols feed the good gut bacteria. When they are well fed they release anti-inflammatory compounds and keep the intestine in tip top shape. Our Tummy Buggies book has all the gut health basics you need to know. You can get it here.

4. Leftover salad from dinner. I always put this in whether it gets eaten or not because I have found the more I offer something to Ariella the more she eventually comes around to eating it. Instead of throwing leftover vegetables or salad in the bin we always save them for later. Ideally I would love Ariella to eat a full salad or bowl of vegetables with each meal because of the added fibre. In western cultures we rarely eat enough fibre!
5. This is a little chocolate brownie ball gifted to Ariella by Byron General Store Cafe. I wrapped it up so it was like a little present.
6. Inside the little dip compartment of the Little Mashies bento (available here ) is actually vanilla coconut chia pudding!