Healthy Kids Chocolate Coconut Panna Cotta
Chocolate Coconut Panna Cotta for Little Mashies reusable food pouches
2 tablespoons cold water
2 teaspoons gelatine powder
2 cups (500ml) coconut cream
100g chocolate, chopped
1/3 cup maple syrup
Coconut oil, for greasing
Mixed berries and cacao powder to serve
Step 1: Place water in a bowl and sprinkle over the gelatine. Let it rest for 5 minutes until the gelatine blooms and absorbs the water.
Step 2: Place the coconut cream in a saucepan with the maple syrup and chocolate, and on a medium heat slowly melt the chocolate, stirring constantly.
Step 3: Add the gelatine and cook for 1-2 minutes until it is dissolved and mixed through the chocolate cream.
Step 4: Pour into moulds that have been lightly greased with the coconut oil. Then cover with Little Mashies reusable bowl covers.
Step 5: Refrigerate for 4-6 hours until firm.
Step 6: Remove the Panna cotta 5 minutes before serving them and garnish with mixed berries and a sprinkling of cacao powder.
Simply rinse off the Little Mashies reusable bowl covers and place them on the drying rack so that they are ready to use next time!
PS- I'd love it if you could PIN or SHARE one of my recipes :) It helps my business grow and promotes home cooking amongst parents, which if you can't tell is my major passion in life!
Lots of love,
Talisha and Ariella (Team Little Mashies)
Real chocolate is a food that is healthy (in its natural unprocessed form). It protects our heart and contains antioxidants, which are important for our immune system. Chocolate is rich in magnesium (important for bone and muscular health) and copper (prevents cardiovascular diseases). If these aren't reasons enough to include chocolate in our diet (and kids in moderation after 1 year of age), then what about the fact that it makes us feel happy after a long hard day with the kids! Chocolate releases feel good chemicals into our system.. i'm sure it's an actual fact! The key to having chocolate is to have a really high quality one that is as unprocessed as possible.