Apple Sauce ideas for baby food
Apple Sauce Combos
Flavours to try:
Apple Sauce with Strawberries
Apple Sauce with Pumpkin
Apple Sauce with Mango
Apple Sauce with Spinach
Apple Sauce with Blueberries
Instructions :
Step 1: Peel and dice 1 cup of any variety of apple along with 1 cup of your fruit or vegetable of choice. If it is pumpkin or mango make sure you peel and take out the seeds first! Harder vegetables will need to be cut smaller than softer fruits and vegetables because they take longer to cook.
Step 2: In a steamer cook together for 10-15 minutes until soft, then blend in the blender. You can also bake fruits and vegetables for a richer taste!
Step 3: When fruit and vegetables are all cooked and soft blend together and freeze in ice cube trays or inside Little Mashies pouches. When we are serving in a Little Mashies sucky bowl we mix one apple sauce ice cube with plain natural yoghurt. In a Little Mashies pouch we usually just add a few ice cubes and let them melt while we are on our outing. You can check out our baby feeding range here.
Apples are great choice for one of the first food for your baby. They are full of nutrients and rich in two types of fibre – soluble and insoluble. They are easy to prepare and easy to digest, and babies just love them in any food combination.
For Baby Led Weaning and Older Kids